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                    The Katie Beckett Deeming Waiver


What is The Katie Beckett Deeming Waiver?

This particular waiver permits the state of Georgia to ignore the family’s income for children with disabilities in certain categories.  This waiver provides benefits to children who are under the age of 19 years of age, qualify as disabled individuals under the Social Security Act and reside at home.  These children must meet this specific criteria to be covered.

How do I qualify for the Katie Beckett Waiver?

There are several steps that you must take in order to qualify for the Katie Beckett Waiver:

Step 1: SSI Determination

To receive assistance via the Katie Beckett Deeming Waiver in Georgia, it must be established that you do not qualify for Social Security disability benefits (SSI). Call (800) 772-1213 to apply for SSI via phone. If you are approved for SSI, you can bypass the Katie Beckett process and enter the state’s Medicaid system. If you are not approved for SSI, the denial letter from the IRS will become apart of your application for Katie Beckett.

Step 2: Contact the Centralized Office

Call and request an application packet (or download instantly — see below). This may be a first timer or renewal.
Centralized Katie Beckett Deeming Waiver Medicaid Team
5815 Live Oak Parkway
Suite D-2
Norcross, GA 30093
678-248-7449 (phone)
678-248-7459 (fax)



Step 3: Gather Your Child’s Medical Records

Make a list of all doctors and providers your child has seen. Contact each professional and request a copy of the medical records. For your child’s therapists, this includes daily notes. A fee may be associated with this request.

Step 4: Begin Completing Forms

While you wait for the SSI denial letter to be received via mail, begin completing the forms. This will take approximately 4-8 hours for your initial application and approximately 2 hours for renewal applications.

Start with the Financial, Citizenship, TANF, HIPPA, and Insurance form. These forms are similar to those used when applying for a credit card. All forms are paired with instructions to complete as directed.


Complete the Medical forms with enough information that your primary care physician only has to sign. The information to complete the forms will come from the documents you requested in step 3.

 Physician’s Recommendation for Pediatric Care: (Box #13) The medical records will contain all ICD (diagnoses) identified for your child. (Box #18) Select ICF-MR

Level of Care Statement is one of the key review points of an application that will determine if you qualify for KB. Children must participate in FIVE THERAPIES per week. If your child does not currently participate in 5 therapies, ask your pediatrician to write a prescription recommending five therapies a week (PT, OT, and/or SLP twice a week). This prescription will become a part of your application. On this form select ICF-MR. Include the current therapies your child receives and attach all therapy evaluations, daily notes, IEPs/IFSPs.

 When completing the Medicaid application, do so as if you are the child. Each question corresponds directly to the child and household members’ (income, wages, employment, etc.).

The Cost-Effectiveness form must state a good prognosis. Total monthly costs must be less than $2400 a month. Use the Medicaid rates for therapy. These amounts can be determined by calling your provider(s) and asking directly. Examples of amounts are PT $84.12/hr, OT $79.04/hr, and SLP $62.50/30 mins.

 You must complete the Voter Registration Declaration Statement.

 Step 5: Attach/Complete Developmental Evaluation

An evaluation of five domains needs to be completed by a licensed professional (psychologist, early interventionist with BCW, etc.). This evaluation must have been completed and dated within the last 3 years. A psychological evaluation should contain an IQ score and needs to be signed by the licensed professional.

Final Notes

Remember to ask the physician not to date the documents in step 4. The date on the document determines when the next application is due and you want this date to be as late as possible (i.e. the day you actually mail all documents to the centralized office)

DO NOT LEAVE ANY QUESTION OR PAGES BLANK. Your application will be returned due to a technical denial, if so.

Submit your e-mail and instantly receive the current Katie Beckett Deeming Waiver Application!

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