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Benefits Navigator Program

Work Incentive Planning and Assistance ( WIPA)

Mission of WIPA

To provide Work Incentive Planning and Assistance information to young people ages 14 to 25 in school and work transition programs and also adults 18 to full retirement age who receive SSI,SSDI or both. This program provides assistance to people with a disability who are considering work to better understand Federal & State work incentives with exploration in reaching their vocational/career goals.


Supplemental Security Income (SSI) - Social Security counts less than half of earned income before adjusting SSI check. If you work and get SSI you will almost always have more money to spend each month. In order to qualify for Continuation of Cash Benefits (Section 1619(a)) you must be eligible for SSI payments for at least one month before you begin working at a level that would cause your SSI cash benefit to stop, be disabled and meet all other eligibility rules including the income and resource test. It is not necessary to file a special application or section 1619(a), however, it is important to Report your earnings and keep Social Security up-to-date on your work activity.

Special SSI Payments for people who work (SSDI)- Once a person with the disability earnings are too high to receive SSI cash payments they may still be eligible for Medicaid.  In order to qualify, you must have been eligible one SSI cash payment for at least one month, still be disabled, still meet all other eligibility rules including the resource test, intend to use Medicaid and  have gross earned income that is insufficient to replace SSI Medicaid or any publicly funded attendant care.

Impaired Related Work Expenses- Items or services that are necessary in order for a person to work may be excluded from gross earnings to determine countable income.  These items or services do not necessarily have to be used only on work days. Impairment Related Work Expenses must be paid for out-of-pocket and not reimbursed by a third party. 

Expedited Reinstatement - If you have been eligible for a SSI benefit check for 12 months and lost it for any reason other than medical recovery you may be able to restart your SSI cash payment and continue Medicaid coverage without a new application.  If your benefits were suspended because the amount of earnings put your total income over the limit you may be able to start your benefits again even if you stop work within five years.

Student Earned Income Exclusion- If you are under age 22 not married and you are attending school Social Security does not count up to $1,780 of earned income per month when figuring your SSI payment amount. The maximum that you can put into a student earned income exclusion is $7,180 per year.  You must go to your local Social Security field office and meet with an SSI Claims to establish the Student Earned Income Exclusion.

These programs are in colleges such as Georgia Tech, Kennesaw State, Albany States and other prestigious colleges and universities. 


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